Schlachtfest-Fahrt mit dem Vulkan-Expreß

Oct 26, 2025


After approx. 1.5 hours, you will reach the Engeln terminus, 459 m above sea level. From there, our shuttle bus will take you to the former Kempenich railroad station nearby, where a hearty slaughter buffet awaits you.

Help yourself to the hearty specialties on offer.

After your meal, it's worth taking a walk in the surrounding area.

After another bus transfer at 2:30 pm, the "Vulkan-Expreß" will take you from Engeln back to Brohl, where you will arrive at around 3:40 pm.

Ticket prices

Adults 56.00 euros, children (6-15 years) 28.00 euros

Registration is required for participation in the slaughter festival!

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At a glance


  • Only at October 26, 2025
    At 10:15


Bahnhof Engeln
56746 Kempenich/Engeln


56656 Brohl
Phone: (0049) 2636 80303
Fax: (0049) 2636 80146

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