Eifel-Fahrt ... die Comedybustour durch die Vulkanregion
May 4, 2025 - Sep 7, 2025
Eifel tour ...the comedy bus tour through the volcanic region
"I'm proud of my home - I don't have another one"
In the Eifel, the Tuscany of Germany, lies the legendary volcanic region of Laacher See near the Maria Laach monastery. HP - Handwerker Peters will take you on a special kind of bus tour: Namely with lots of comedy and concentrated insider knowledge.
Experience the municipalities of Mendig, Brohltal and Pellenzas the best trip of your life. The tour starts at Mendig Airport and then takes you through the heart of the Eifel for 2 ½ hours... with HP, the tour guide of hearts and the living encyclopaedia of the Eifel: he knows every Bimskaul by its first name, gets the inside scoop in every pub and has worked in every important corner of the region. Simply fabulous, just like the region.
Basalt meets asphalt. Eifel know-how meets living room atmosphere. Expertise meets craftsmanship. A very clever man (craftsman Peters) once said: "Home is like having wet your pants - everyone sees it, but you alone feel the warmth! So you have to convey it to the others." Or to say it with an even wiser man (yes, it's Handwerker Peters again):
There, where green landscapes pour
and the maars sprout from the earth,
you see a lot of land and potato fields
and the farmer races over them with his tractor.
He is not harvesting potatoes, he is not spreading manure,
he is on the run from the tax investigation.
In the barn, the cow crashes to the ceiling,
because the milking machine has a short.
The rooster is really mad there,
when he chases the geese in the yard.
Where do you feel comfortable and nothing hurts anymore?
That's right - in the Laacher See volcanic region!
Want to bet? Then get on board...
Duration: 15.00 - 17.45 (admission 14.30)
Fee: 30,00 EUR
Venue: Mendig airfield
Organizer: Laacher See volcanic region
Tickets available at Ticket Regional, www.ticket-regional.de