Fastenprdigten in Maria Laach

Mar 12, 2025

Maria Laach

As part of the monastic vespers, the evening prayer of the monks at 5:30 pm, the former Federal Minister of Education and Ambassador to the Holy See Annette Schavan will preach. "We are looking forward to Annette Schavan, whom we can call a long-time friend of Maria Laach. In her many roles in the Federal Republic of Germany and at the Vatican in Rome, she has always been guided by her Catholic faith. We are delighted to be able to hear her thoughts on an important passage from the Gospel of John in our abbey church," says Father Prior Petrus Nowack OSB.

Following the Lenten sermon, the monastery restaurant will open and offer a Lenten meal, providing a space to meet the preachers and the monks. Reservations are welcome at The series of Lenten sermons is taking place for the first time this year in cooperation with the Catholic Adult Education Center in the Diocese of Trier.

Further information on the Lenten sermon series can be found at

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  • Only at March 12, 2025
    At 17:30


56653 Maria Laach


Benediktinerabtei Maria Laach
56653 Maria Laach
Phone: (0049) 2652 590

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