Lake Laach, © Vulkanregion Laacher See/Kappest
  • Distance: 2.2 km
  • Duration: 0:26 h
  • Difficulty: easy

Rundweg um den Laacher See - Teilstück vom Kloster bis Campingplatz

Maria Laach

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Note: "Due to the heavy rainfall, the UFERRUNDWEG around LACHER SEE is not passable in places. We ask for your understanding!"

The tested and certified section of 2.1 km starts at the Maria Laach monastery (parking lot) and leads past the boat rental along the circular trail around the lake to the campsite.

The idyllic section of the circular trail leads over small wooden bridges, past meadows and through beautiful forest passages close to the shores of Lake Laach. The small square at the boat hire invites you to linger with its "dream loungers". The hike is rounded off with culinary delights in the monastery restaurant and at the campsite.

After your hike, visit the Maria Laach monastery grounds with its numerous monastery businesses and let yourself be enchanted by the special atmosphere.

The section of the "Circular Trail around Lake Laach" by "Travel for All" meets the quality criteria of the "Accessibility tested - partially barrier-free for people with walking disabilities" label.

Further information on accessibility can be found in the short report or under the description of the trail on the "Reisen für Alle" homepage:

mehr lesen gpx: gpx_addressbase_21816pdf: Kurzbericht_Campingplatz_PA-11589-2020_depdf: Map of the Laacher See circular trail section

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More information about this route

Distance: 2.2 km

Duration: 0:26 h

Difficulty: easy

Descent: 3 m

Tourist-Information Maria Laach

Maria Laach 13
56653 Glees
Phone: +49 2636 19433

write e-mail

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At a glance

Barrierefreie Austattungsmerkmale

We have compiled some information on accessibility below. Detailed information can be found in the inspection report.

  • The hiking trail has a length of 2.1 km and leads from the parking lot in Maria Laach to the parking lot at the Laacher See campsite (not a circular route).
  • The path does not have a continuous visually contrasting or tactilely detectable footpath boundary.
  • The hiking trail is car-free. It is not necessary to cross a road used by motor vehicles.
  • Directly after the second bridge, a small ditch is closed off by barbed wire at knee height.
  • The hiking trail is signposted throughout.
  • The signage is designed in easy-to-read, high-contrast lettering.
  • Information is provided in written and photorealistic form.
  • Information is not available in Braille or prismatic writing.
Prüfbericht: Sehbehinderung / Blinde

We have compiled some information on accessibility below. Detailed information can be found in the inspection report.

  • The hiking trail has a total length of 2.1 km and leads from the parking lot in Maria Laach to the parking lot at the Laacher See campsite (not a circular route).
  • The hiking trail is car-free. It is not necessary to cross a road used by motor vehicles.
  • The hiking trail is signposted throughout.
  • Information is provided in written and photorealistic form.
  • There is no information in easy language.
Prüfbericht: Kognitive Beeinträchtigungen

We have compiled some information on accessibility below. Detailed information can be found in the inspection report.

  • The hiking trail is 2.1 km long and leads from the parking lot in Maria Laach to the parking lot at the Laacher See campsite (not a circular route).
  • The hiking trail is car-free. It is not necessary to cross a road used by motor vehicles.
  • The hiking trail is signposted throughout.
  • Information is provided in written and photorealistic form.
Prüfbericht: Hörbehinderung / Gehörlose

All test-relevant areas meet the quality criteria of the "Accessibility tested - partially accessible for people with walking disabilities" label.

We have compiled some information on accessibility below. Detailed information can be found in the test report.

  • The hiking trail is 2.1 km long and leads from the parking lot in Maria Laach to the parking lot at the Laacher See campsite (not a circular route).
  • There are nine marked parking spaces for people with disabilities at the tourist information office in Maria Laach.
  • The path from the parking lot to the hiking trail is 100 m long. It is not easy to walk or drive on and has a maximum longitudinal gradient of 5% over a distance of 40 meters.
  • Alternatively, there is a direct path from the parking lots for people with disabilities to the Maria Laach boat rental (end of the first section of the path). It is easier to walk and drive on, but has a maximum longitudinal gradient of 8% over a distance of 20 meters.
  • The hiking trail has no steps and is at least 120 cm wide, but usually wider. Where there are bollards, the distance between the bollards is at least 117 cm.
  • The path is not easy to walk and drive on in places (water-bound surface, forest path, asphalt).
  • There are some inclines and declines. The steepest gradient is 18% over a length of 2 m (two bridges). The longest section with a gradient is 200 m long and the gradient is 3%.
  • There are seats along the path, but some of them are spaced far apart.
  • The hiking trail is car-free. It is not necessary to cross a road with motor vehicles.
  • The hiking trail is signposted throughout.
  • The information boards can mainly be read from a seated position.
  • Aids available: Rollator (available from the tourist information office)

Public WC for people with disabilities (Maria Laach Tourist Information Office)

  • The toilet door can be opened with a Euro key.
  • The movement areas are
    behind the door, in front of the WC and in front of the washbasin 150 cm x 133 cm;
    to the left and right of the WC 89 cm x 70 cm.
  • There are grab rails to the left and right of the WC. The grab rails can be folded up.
  • The washbasin can be driven under.
  • An alarm trigger is available.
Prüfbericht: GehbehinderungPrüfbericht: Rollstuhlfahrer

Zertifiziert im Zeitraum:
November 2023 - October 2026
Barrierefreiheit geprüft